China to ramp up epidemic vax system

VaxInnate licensed to use 3M Drug Delivery Systems’ TLR agonists

The goal is to create a system that can supply vaccines for regular use and that has the capacity to cope with epidemics. Officials say the system should be set up by 2015 and expect it will accommodate “major epidemic situations as quickly and effectively as those found in developed countries”5 years later,according to Xinhuanet. It will provide not only increased vaccine production capacity but also improved epidemic monitoring and additional R&D, the report says. Although China uses the current epidemic-response capabilities of developed countries as a benchmark, it may want to shoot a bit higher. The Chinese goals are similar to those of the U.S. , as outlined in the 2010 National Vaccine Plan. It also calls for surge capacity during epidemics, faster manufacturing via new, non-egg-based production processes and additional R&D. Earlier this year, the U.S.
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VAX Users See the Writing on the Wall

Keeping aging vax systems running is becoming increasingly costly.

Some of the systems have run for more than six years without a reboot. Reliability is “extremely high,” he said. Born in 1977 A reminder of VAX’s advancing age came last week when Nemonix Engineering Inc. in Holliston, Mass., announced that it was starting a 24-hour support line for the system. “That’s in response to a marketplace that really can’t afford to get rid of them,” said Beth Bumbarger, Nemonix’s CEO. The company, which makes custom hardware components for the VAX, employs many people who once worked at Digital Equipment Corp., the company that developed the VAX in 1977, long before it was acquired by Compaq. Bob Blatz, HP’s director of marketing for OpenVMS, reaffirmed the company’s VAX commitment. “We intend to continue supporting that line — we have no plans to stop it,” he said. HP plans to port OpenVMS to its Itanium-based Integrity server line by the end of the year. Keeping aging vax systems running is becoming increasingly costly.
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Data suggest that 3Ms TLR agonists could enhance vaccine potency, potentially enabling VaxInnate to develop vaccines that provide faster, more robust protection. Under the terms of the non-exclusive licensing agreement, 3M provides its TLR agonists to VaxInnate for an undisclosed licensing fee, in addition to milestone and royalty payments. Pairing our TLR agonists with VaxInnates innovative vaccine technology has the potential for increasing the effectiveness of vaccines, said Dr. Mark Tomai, PhD, Vaccine Business Development Director, 3M Drug Delivery Systems. The combination of VaxInnates proprietary vaccine technology with 3Ms TLR agonists could improve vaccine potency and make a major contribution to global school wireless systems UK public health, said Alan Shaw PhD, VaxInnate CEO. We look forward to this collaboration with 3M. Source3M Health Care
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